Sturgis Chick



A South Dakota girl travelling by motorcycle...


Having been born and raised in Sturgis, South Dakota, you would think I might have grown up on the back of a bike.  But that's not the case with most people from Sturgis since it's largely an agricultural community. 

I learned to ride a boyfriend's dirtbike in the middle of a prairie dog town when I was in high school.  I wasn't tall enough to ride the 500cc alone so he rode on the back to put his feet on the ground when we stopped.  Snowmobiles and 4-wheelers were easier for me to manage, but eventually I wanted a bike. 

Travel has always been my passion, so I usually spent weekends, vacations and holidays somewhere other than home.  Living in South Dakota creates a true appreciation for wide open spaces.  We have beautiful skies in that part of the world.  But there are lots of beautiful places in the world - beaches, mountains, I've decided to go travel for a while.

This is a sort of journal for my travels and experiences.  I'm hopeful you enjoy the ride.


My travel map is available at SPOT Adventures:

You can also read about Brian Clarke's travel experiences at


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